Black Siren Volume 2: The Beginning

March 22, 2021
And we’re back, so we left off with a man in a white cloak coming in. and I’m thinking we’re on our deathbed, Right? This is the day we die. I’m only in my 20s, I haven’t had a real boyfriend yet. I haven’t accomplished everything I want to do. Like, find my parents, cause I know my birth wasn’t exactly traditional. But, I still want to know the people who gave birth to me. I never climbed Mount Everest, I hear people never make it back. Is that true? I never worked a day in my life, except the bar. And it sucks. Guys, look I have a degree in all matters of science, and math, and other skill things including communication. Kind of, it’s a half of a degree. I sort of. kind of. Maybe. Not sure. Yeah, I definitely Mouthed off to the teacher. Oops. I’m super smart, so I graduated high school early. Skipped a few grades in elementary school. and now I’m in my 20s with a multi-degree platform and serves drinks to drunk people 9 am-12 pm. 8 am-5 pm on Wednesdays and Fridays. Not exciting, oh god where did my life go to. Moving on, You know what I, really, really wanna do, I wanna work as a CSI, like Berry Allen. Warrick Brown, Sara Sidles, Catherine Willows. But, Berry Allen is my favorite in Central city. I wanna be just like him. And as someone who is in her early 20s, I don’t wanna die. Is this really how I meet my untimely cruel fate. My heart feels like it’s about to explode right out of my chest. The man comes closer and closer and closer and sticks a needle in my arm and it hurts like a bee sting (I have never been stung by a bee, but I’m sure it hurts. Bad. real bad) So, then the next thing I knew we were being dragged out and dumped behind a dumpster lifeless, looking dead. Is this what hell feels like? Was that hell? Did they kill us? oh god. I know I’m not exactly a good girl, but I try. Sorry, That’s a lie. I’m going to start to try. But here’s the truth, If it wasn’t for a nasty homeless man who looked and smelled like he was sleeping on dog poo and fell in a sewer, yuck. When he bent down and spoke to us his smell woke us up. His breath was surprisingly the nicest smelling thing about him, he was disgusting. “Thank you, sir,” I said trying to hold my breath, cause if you smelt him you would do the same thing. So, he called me “You’re pretty, how much?” for a homeless guy he should know girls aren’t for sale, rude. But my older brother Hawk said “Keep walking, not for sale stinking” He’s protective, I’m his only and younger sister. He dropped everything to take care of us, we worked in this organization who our aunt and uncle were the guardians of us. And they were in charge of their first rank. But uh…when I got my powers like my mother, I couldn’t control them (it’s normal for all new people who get powers, right) That’s not how they saw it. And they spun out of control once and I destroyed their entire building. They were ferrous, I said “it was an accident, I’m still learning” they wanted to send me to a different time to learn, my brothers and they fought for me to stay. But it was too late, and we were all ripped from our time to the past. Like before the flash disappeared. Before the arrow died, before the crisis. We went back to 2020, and for most, it was an awful tie. This virus you may know as CoronaVirus (Covid-19) came, and we couldn’t get back. We were stuck. Trapped, in the past. But it was just me, Ezera, and Hawk. No, it was everyone who was in the Dark Vault. We just ripped an entire part of a city into 2020, and now we have to get back to the year 2040. Or time itself will die and everyone, not from this time.
To be continued…