Hail To The Chief
The future of Holyoke High School is bright with Freshman Class President Martin “Marty” Keane at the helm!
November 3, 2014

On October 14th, 2014, the freshman class elected new officers. Among them was Martin “Marty” Keane, their president. It was a tough campaign with several fantastic candidates, each one more promising than the next. Keane ended up coming out on top, which excited some and disappointed others.
Regardless of how one may have voted or where their allegiances may have lied, the election is behind us and Marty is now the class president, and no one should be disappointed by this, because the class of 2018 is now led by a young man who stands for “protecting the class of 2018, a better Holyoke High School, and a good high school experience for all.”
Keane’s campaign ran like a well-oiled machine. Many of his supporters helped him hand out business cards, write posters, and explain his platform to students in the halls. He was “very thankful” for all the support and having the election behind him was “a relief.” He is very excited to serve his student body as an elected official.

At this early stage, things are looking good for the class of 2018 under the Keane administration. He is a smart young man with many good ideas.
He would like his class, and the entire school for that matter, to know this: “As president of the class of 2018, I am here to help the students, to promote academic excellence, and work hard for a better tomorrow. Go Knights!”
Idris Ali • Jul 16, 2019 at 1:29 pm
Marty is such a sweet boy