Athletes Dealing With Mental Health

Ishani Morales, Herald Staff

With Covid-19 now being around as a pandemic for almost a complete year now in the U.S.,  it clearly has affected everyone everywhere. It has taken away plenty. Large in-person gatherings are unrealistic and not safe. Avoiding social distancing and quarantine all together is almost out of the question, but even things such as school and sports still are up for debate. Being a student athlete during times like these just seems like they could not get any worse. It feels like there is  no time to be in school and feel your school spirit for you and your team. There is no real season to do what you do best and to show off your talent, hard work and dedication. All this can be extremely stressful. But how do we handle this stress and all these other emotions we’ve been dealt with?

Many student athletes would agree that this past year has been very isolating. The times where we’d go after school talk it up with teammates, practice, get lectures from coaches and compete to the best of our abilities are all sort of just a memory now. Social distancing obviously is the main cause of this leaving us with nothing more than just our phones and social media to rely on at home. From day to day you might catch yourself being consumed in it and your first reaction might be to lessen your time being on it or just avoid it all together. But there are ways to make perfect use of your time on your devices while not being able to play your sport! 

Talking to friends and teammates through the phone, hosting group calls and just checking up on how you and your team are doing can really help some people who don’t know how to reach out. Venting about things that upset or bother us is a great coping mechanism for anybody going through a difficult time. Using social media to keep in shape while not being in season is a major plus! Finding at home workouts and creating an effective workout routine made specifically to cater to your sport will keep you ahead of the game when it comes to you and your opponent or competition. Lastly would be film study! Watching clips and highlights of you or even famous athletes in your sport while breaking down the fundamentals of it can seriously up your game. Practicing different moves or techniques at home until you master them is always a bonus.

So remember to explore your options and find ways to be actively productive and don’t forget it’s okay to reach out for help. Stay active and stay well!