Black siren Volume 3: Time

March 22, 2021
I bet you guys didn’t know I was from the future, I could answer any question you have about the future. Oh, no one I can’t, forgot about that little snip bit, there are rules of time travel. Which may I say is stupid and stupid, I can’t reveal anything about the future at risk of messing the timeline up. But, the timeline could already be messed up by us coming back to this very moment in time. For some, it is a hard and deathly difficult time. For others equal, maybe even harder, difficult time and deathly and magical. And deathly, did I already say that? Point is, time travel is hard and problematic, I mean there’s a reason we can’t do it. And we just did it, we just time-traveled back to 2020. Yeah, we did that. And unfortunately, we can’t go back, so we decided to become heroes. And we save the world, we’re pretty amazing. Yeah.
I was born in 2020 in an awfully dark place. Cold, and so much negativity. But my parents had to do what was best for me, for my brothers. If you are a parent, you should understand the need and urge to keep your children safe, happy, and healthy. The last thing you ever want to do is give them up, but my parents made the difficult choice, they sent us to my mother’s sisters and brother-in-law. They were awful, and they tried to send me away, cause I’m not everything to them. But my brothers, and as my brothers, they took care of me. So on my 20th birthday, in 2040. They put me in a time bubble and tried to send me to a portal. But I’m…my brothers tried to stop them, a fight broke out. And I came into another power, and I accidentally pulled everyone through time. It’s when I um…scream at a frequency that only dogs can hear and with both hands and white air particles come out and time reverses itself. And I dragged everyone that was in the building, the entire building back to 2020, and we lived there ever since trying to get home. But, we can’t. And we tried everything and everyone. But I don’t think I wanna go home, to my time.
No, I don’t. I wanna stay here. I met someone who is from my same time, but I also met the people who took my parents from. Life is good here, and I’m finally being recognized for what I can do, not for what I am. I may have demon blood in me, but I also know I have hero blood in me. So, see you next time.