Should You Ask Someone About Their Vaccination Status?

September 9, 2021
Everyone was talking about Covid- 19, the dangers of it and how it’s been spreading non stop. A vaccine was created, case numbers started lowering where they weren’t requiring a mask if you were vaccinated, but now they are increasing again due to the amount of people who aren’t vaccinated, some even decide to not wear masks even when they’re not vaccinated . A lot of people have been debating whether or not it’s okay to ask someone about their Covid-19 vaccination status or even a proof of their vaccination card. Is there a certain way you should ask someone about their vaccination status or is it not okay to ask at all?
In my opinion I think it’s disrespectful. It doesn’t matter the situation a person is in whether it’s work related, school related, etc it’s still disrespectful. If someone wants to share that information then that’s their choice to make, but when it comes to asking about their vaccination status and they don’t want to share that information, it can make them uncomfortable. When it comes to a person’s health it should be their business unless they want to share it. Some may consider taking steps and consider different ways to make it not as “disrespectful”, but no matter what you never know who may or may not be comfortable with sharing anything about their health therefore it’s disrespectful to ask someone about their vaccination status, it is especially disrespectful to ask someone for proof of their vaccination card.
When it comes to traveling and such it’s understandable that they would ask for proof of your vaccination card, but is it really necessary? You can still catch Covid even if you are vaccinated. Asking for proof of a vaccination card in order to dine in, go to concerts, travel, etc can make those who don’t feel comfortable getting vaccinated feel bad and left apart. Nowadays people are being discriminated against and judged for if they have not gotten vaccinated or don’t want to get vaccinated. This eliminates the right of independence and freedom as people if they are feeling forced to get vaccinated in order to be able to do things like dine in and go to concerts. For years we as humans have been fighting against discrimination and now it just feels like we are falling backwards. According to the article SHRM, it says “As the COVID-19 delta variant spreads, many employers are requiring workers to show proof of their vaccination status or wear masks and submit to regular COVID-19 testing. Employment law attorneys recommend that businesses carefully craft vaccination policies, and they caution employers not to ask for too much information.” This evidence shows that asking for someone’s vaccination status and/or asking for proof of vaccination card is disrespectful and shouldn’t be tolerated.