Pa’lante Recruitment

Alina Fairlie, News Editor

Pa’lante is looking for new members ages 14-19 who are passionate about changing our school and community. Students from all backgrounds are welcomed and encouraged to join. They are accepting of students who struggle academically or behaviorally, as long as they are willing to show growth and demonstrate leadership qualities. Students from the Dean campus are also welcome.

Pa’lante Restorative Justice is a youth-led organization that strives for implementing youth leadership and working to dismantle the school to prison pipeline. They are based in Holyoke High, and strive every year to help repair a prevalent issue within the school since their launch in 2015. Along with the office located in the school building, they also have established one downtown. One of their most notable and recent projects has been turning the school’s In-House Suspension room into a Student Support Room, transforming it into a welcoming space for students to take a break from their school day. Many students felt that they were being sent to in-house unfairly and without reason, and often were not told why they were being sent out. Since then, Pa’lante has helped work through these issues and prevent unnecessary suspensions. Pa’lante also commonly uses a circle practice to address certain issues within the community and specific students. It is a healing practice to solve any issues or talk about important events to make our city a better and safer place. The students who participate in this program are called peer leaders, and are supported by adults and a Community Advisory Board. Some of these peer leaders become part of the Youth Advisory Board, who meet weekly to make important decisions.

Overall, Pa’lante wants to make the city of Holyoke a more welcoming area, especially for minorities. Many who are a part of it feel like they have become part of another family and are extremely proud of the progress that has been made. If you are interested in working with the community and would like to become one of these peer leaders, joining Pa’lante is a great opportunity. Help repair students’ personal issues and conflicts while working on deeper issues such as racism, poverty, and our education system. Develop strong leadership qualities and communication skills, while becoming educated on the injustices around us.

Join the Pa’lante Restorative Justice Program to work with other students, alumni, and staff to make the city of Holyoke a better place for our youth, and be directly involved in this change.