Dual Enrollment Rolls Out New Opportunities for Students

March 14, 2016
Holyoke Community College is a popular next step for Holyoke High School graduates looking to further their education. However this year, HHS and HCC have joined together in order to give some hardworking students a head start.
Earlier in the school year, many of the school’s AP and honors students were invited to an assembly during advisory where they were entertained by the school band preceding a presentation outlining the growing interest in early advanced learning in Holyoke. Most of this takes the form of growing AP courses. Because of this mounting interest, HCC and the Massachusetts Board of Education decided to open up the opportunity to be enrolled at both HHS and HCC at no cost. Juniors and seniors in this dual enrollment program can receive one class a semester until the summer of their senior year. These classes can be taken in place of an A or G block class, as a night course, or as an online course.
During the presentation, guidance counselors and representatives from HCC highlighted the requirements and commitments needed to join the program. Toward the end of the presentation, the steps to be completed to become both an HHS and HCC student and papers requiring the signature of a counselor and a parent were handed out.