2016 Inductee: Angela T. Sweeney
Our 2016 Inductee into The Herald Hall of Fame is Angela Sweeney.
2016 Hall of Fame Inductee – Angela T. Sweeney
This year’s Hall of Fame inductee was Ms. Angela T. Sweeney!

Ms. Sweeney is being inducted for her exemplary work as a Herald staff member from 2002-2006. In addition to her time on The Herald staff as a student, she has been a tremendous supporter of the publication in her new role as Holyoke High School English/Creative Writing teacher.
Ms. Sweeney has been a Holyoke High teacher for five years, having received her Masters in Education from UMass Amherst and student-teaching at Central High School. In her role as Holyoke High teacher, Angela both introduced the Poetry Out Loud competition to HHS and resurrected the then-dormant Drama Club. Under Sweeney’s guidance, the club has performed three productions, including the student-created and directed performance, Voices From Beech Street.

Ms. Sweeney has also served as the adviser for the HHS literary magazine The Knightwriter, following in the footsteps of her former Herald advisor (and woman who will induct her today) Melva Michealian.
We are honored to honor Ms. Angela Sweeney as the second inductee into The Herald Hall of Fame!