Spotlight On: Mr. Lastowski
Holyoke High prepares to say goodbye to one of its most memorable teachers, Bob Lastowski.
Mr. Lastowski prepares to deliver a memorable lesson on Huck Finn.
April 10, 2014
After 34 years, Mr. Bob Lastowski is officially retiring from teaching. Lastowski has been working in the Holyoke Public Schools as an English teacher for 24 years and here at Holyoke High for 18 years. Prior to teaching, Mr. Lastowski worked as a social worker for 5 years. Lastowski will be immensely missed by all students and staff. He always went above and beyond to help his students excel in the class room while also having a little fun. When asked what he is going to miss most about teaching he responded by saying “when something really speaks to a student and I see it in his or her eyes, and also interacting with them.”
If you have ever had Mr. Lastowski as a teacher you know he is a teaching legend. At least once a day you would laugh as his lessons and the stories he read came to life right before your eyes. Did you ever walk down the hall and see a man with no shoes on, a straw hat and a pipe in his mouth? Well then you have seen Mr. Lastowski, performing as Huck Finn in one of his favorite books Adventures with Huckleberry Finn. Lastowski is known for “rafting” barefoot with Huck in room 109. One of his favorite memories was “calling and speaking with Ordinary People author Judith Guest and have the students speak with her and ask her questions. Other favorite moments are watching how Our Town affects students every year, and acting out Ophelia’s insanity and so many others.”

His plans for retirement are “being a very active gramps, playing more tennis, traveling with my bride, working on the Bucket List and reading the eight million books that he has always wanted to read but haven’t had the time.” Mr. Lastowski does not want anyone to worry that he will not be around; he still plans on continuing coaching both football and indoor track! “I have LOVED teaching it has been a real blessing, but as Morrie Schwartz would say ‘it’s time for a new chapter of my life’ and I’m looking forward to it.”
Many students had praise for Mr. Lastowski. “He is one of the most interesting and inspirational teachers I’ve ever had!” and “He is very understanding, down to earth kind of guy, he just gets us,” are only a few of the great things students have to say about Mr. Lastowski. Bob Lastowski has been a role model to many students; he has taught people the meaning of hard work and dedication. Many students’ lives have been touched by this man; he has earned and deserves the utmost respect.
All of his hard work and time he has put into this school will be greatly missed. The staff of The Herald wishes him the best as he moves forward toward a happy retirement.