Students Design New, Original Sports in Sports Management Class

The Sports Management Class at Holyoke High was assigned a project to create their own original sport.

Mrs. Reardon’s Sports Management class recently did an exceptionally interesting project. All the students in the class were assigned groups and told to create their own sports.

This project was a real test of the students’ creativity and knowledge of both modern and ancient sports.

Each sport had to be an original creation with its own name, objective, playing field, and rules. At the end, the group whose sport was voted best won.

Some of the sports created were “Zip-line Boxing,” “Jumbo Wrestling,” and “Bumper Ball.”

The idea for “Zip-Line Boxing” was created by yours truly, and, with help from other classmates in my group, was made into reality. It was not actually played, but the rules and regulations for an actual performance of the sport were established.

Unfortunately, it did not win the majority vote for our class. Instead, the winner was “Bumper Ball” which was created by Antoine Rodriguez and his groupmates.

Every sport created in the class was definitely interesting and unique, and maybe at some point in the year some of the sports will be able to actually be played. This project was a great overall experience and really showed how creative Holyoke’s students can be.