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Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Join The Herald Staff

Are you a gifted writer looking for an outlet to share your abilities with the world? Do you have opinions on sports, pop culture, world events, or anything else bubbling up inside you just waiting to burst out? Are you looking to take a more active role in your school community?

If your answer to any of the above is yes – we would like to have you on The Herald staff! Become a part of a Holyoke tradition, earn some school credits, and be a part of a rewarding and fun experience.

How Do I Join?


1. Obviously, you must be a current Holyoke High School student.

2. You must fill out 2014-2015 application (you may pick one up on the door of Room 110 or download one here).

3. Return the completed application and a writing sample (write a mock article to show us what you’re made of) to Room 110 by Friday, March 6, 2014.

Once your application is submitted, it will be reviewed by Mr. Courchesne and The Herald editing team. Once you are accepted, your name will be sent to the guidance department. When you are asked to go down to schedule for next year, tell your guidance counselor you want to sign up for the full-year elective “Media” (English 705) and once he or she confirms you’re on the list of “accepted” applications – you’re in!

Welcome aboard!

– Mr. Courchesne (faculty advisor)

– Ashley Morsen, Melanie Kos, Lindsey Martins, and Nick Edwards (The Herald Editing Team)