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Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Aiden Moriarty

Aiden Moriarty, Staff Reporter ’15

Aiden Moriarty is a senior at Holyoke High School. He is a star member of the news staff and is the self-appointed political correspondent as well as the Herald’s ambassador to the cross country team. Active in both cross country and the drama club, he is the pride of his family.

All content by Aiden Moriarty
Canadian General Service Medal from the Fenian Raids, courtesy of Veterans Affairs Canada.

An Interesting Piece of Irish History

Aiden Moriarty, Staff Reporter ’15
March 16, 2015
From left to right: Richard Conner, Matthew Moriarty, Chief James Neiswanger, Mayor Alex Morse, Joseph Garcia, and Patrick Leahy.

Holyoke Police Officers Promoted

Aiden Moriarty, Staff Reporter ’15
February 27, 2015
Politics: Election 2014

Politics: Election 2014

Aiden Moriarty, Staff Reporter ’15
November 18, 2014
Hail To The Chief

Hail To The Chief

Aiden Moriarty, Staff Repoter ’15
November 3, 2014
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