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Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Anthony Cruz

Anthony Cruz, Staff Reporter ’15

Anthony Cruz is a currently a senior at Holyoke High School, with this being his first year working on The Herald. While also writing news articles for the paper, he is also a Bassist, and preforms with the school jazz band, and also the local musical group, The Basement Cats.

All content by Anthony Cruz
Holyoke High Helps Save Lives

Holyoke High Helps Save Lives

Anthony Cruz, Staff Reporter ’15
April 16, 2015
Cordon Elementary School in Boston: a school recently hit by the dreaded norovirus. 
Photo Credit:

Norovirus Halts Education in Boston

Anthony Cruz, Staff Reporter ’15
November 19, 2014
A picture of the deadly Ebola virus.

Ebola Epidemic Continues

Anthony Cruz, Staff Reporter ’15
September 24, 2014
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