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Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Lara McGeer

Lara McGeer, Staff Reporter ’15

Lara McGeer is currently a senior at Holyoke High, writing in the features section. She is a member of the track team and the S.T.E.M Academy. This year, Lara hopes to educate the student body on all of the pop culture trends in the entertainment industry. In her spare time, Lara is an active boy band fan girl, Chipotle enthusiast and killer whale advocate.

All content by Lara McGeer
HHS senior Grace Hamel.

Spotlight On: Grace Hamel

Lara McGeer, Staff Reporter ’15
March 3, 2015
Quidditch Club Founders Lara McGeer '15, Nora Taupier '15, Grace Hamel '15, and Matt McAndrew '15 stand alongside the club's faculty adviser Mrs. Fitzell-Stevens.

Muggle Quidditch Takes HHS By Storm

Lara McGeer, Staff Reporter ’15
October 23, 2014
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