An Op-Ed & Preview of the Jr/Sr Prom

Kiana and Mya’s Op-Ed:

After the combining of Dean Tech and Holyoke High, students were beginning to wonder what else was going to be combined. One of the main concerns was prom. A lot of questions were raised when it came to proms. Some students at Holyoke High North don’t seem to think it’s a good idea and they are not for it at all. “I don’t think it’s a good idea, and I don’t want it to be combined. I feel like it will cause a lot of conflict,” says senior, Kiara Falcon. Another senior, Valeria Ortiz, said, “I feel like it’s going to be too many people and a lot of tension.”

Of course there’s always two sides to a story. We had a meeting with Dr. Mahoney to see where things really stand. “Juniors and Seniors feel like something’s being taken away from them, so we’ve gotta show them that this has value in it,” say Mahoney. He clarified for us that prom won’t be the first time all students will be together, since we’ve already had the senior cookout. They are trying to find out ways to bring us together and, of course, avoid any conflicts, but most importantly, they’re listening to what everyone’s opinions are so no one feels like anything’s being taken from them.

“My thoughts on the combination of prom are very neutral. I feel that it’s a good chance to be diverse and show that, yes we are two different buildings, but we are capable of coming together as one school,” says senior Naisha Ortiz, from Dean Campus. Clearly many people feel differently about the subject because it has it’s pros and cons, but there’s an equal amount of negatives to positives. Having positive vibes will definitely help if there are any negative feelings as well.

There are mixed feelings about the combination, as it’s new to everyone. What’s most important is that they’re doing everything at the students’ best interest and making sure everyone’s voice is heard.   

Dante’s Preview:

It’s that time of year again! The senior class advisor, Ms. Fallon is putting together the annual Junior/Senior prom. It’s on Friday, November 16th, at the Wherehouse in Holyoke, from 6-11 p.m.

“I think it’s going to be a great experience for friends to just link up together and have a fun time,” says Ethan Dejesus, class of 2019.
We are hoping to bring the Knights together for a night of fun and dancing. Everyone pick out your best outfit and get ready for a night to remember. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Most importantly, let’s have fun, hang out with friends, dance, and stay safe.