

Have you ever had stacks and stacks of classwork or homework overdue? Do you always wait until the day before the due date to start? If you said yes, you might being procrastinating. Procrastination is defined as the action of delaying or postponing something. Sometimes, people associate procrastination with laziness. However, this is not always the case.

Procrastination is caused by distraction in your surroundings. For example, distractions could be smartphones, TV, etc. In others cases, procrastination can be caused by being overconfident. Sometimes, we don’t realize that we procrastinate. For example, people tell themselves to go to the gym, but they postpone that to the next weeks, months, and even year.

There are times where the procrastination is acceptable. If you are really dominating a class, you don’t usually have to get worried about it. However, that can lead to bad results in the long run. Procrastination could turn into a routine. For that reason, you need to know how to procrastinate efficiently. First, you need to know why you want take a break and set a time of the day to take the break. In my case, I try to do all my homework before getting home so I can have the afternoon and the night free. That sounds like a sweet deal, but it is harder than it sounds. I often get over stressed from not finishing on time, and if I take the work home, I end up postponing it again and again all because I have a philosophy that school is for work and home is for rest.

As a conclusion, sometimes it is good to take a break from your responsibility, but there is a balance between work and rest. Organization is what we need to be able to avoid the procrastination. If you organize your tasks, like creating a plan for your day, you wouldn’t being procrastinating in the first place.