A friendship perfect for 2020: how a boy developed a friendship with a toy skeleton

A friendship perfect for 2020: how a boy developed a friendship with a toy skeleton

Aidan Fox, Herald Staff

It’s a friendship perfect for 2020, one might even say that it is the greatest thing ever.  You might ask, what is this amazing friendship?  It’s a friendship between a two-year-old and a plastic skeleton.  In fact the child adores the skeleton so much that his mother has to bring the 5-foot skeleton to go on errands.

The alliance between boy and bones began on September 15.  On that day the boy’s mom went to put their dog in his kennel before she and her son went to the park, when she suddenly heard her son yell, “Mom, Mom, help, help, help.”  The mother ran downstairs to see her two-year-old son trying to carry the skeleton up the stairs.  Quite a hilarious mental image, one might say.

The mother saw this and brought it upstairs figuring she could just start decorating for Halloween early, but her son was having none of it he wanted to bring the skeleton with him and refused to get in the car.  The boy only got in the vehicle when the skeleton was in the car.  Even when they arrived at the park, he refused to get out of the car without it.

Though he is no longer as insistent of having the skeleton with him at all times, he does demand that his skeleton friend sits in his room while he sleeps.   Even on a recent trip, the boy and the skeleton went on an amusement ride together, to the delight of the patrons.