The Herald Athlete of the Week: Edition I

Yamaya Perez, center left, of Holyoke, steals the ball from Amanda Mieczkowski, center right, of Northampton, with Holyoke three points ahead with 28 seconds to play, Thursday, Jan. 16, 2020 at Holyoke High School. Ashley Vazquez, left, and Victoria Lopez look on.
February 2, 2023
The Herald Athlete of the Week, presented by Holyoke High Herald Sports, is a poll that determines the best athlete at Holyoke High School based on their performance in the prior week. Six students are chosen and each sport gets one nominee. Winter sports include girls indoor track, boys indoor track, cheerleading, boys basketball, girls basketball, and swimming. Voting takes place for one week, and then the winner is announced.
The first six nominees had a close race, which culminated in Amilyan Treadwell winning with 108 votes. Treadwell is a Junior at Holyoke High and a very determined basketball player, improving herself at every practice and game. She began the season with 76 points in 5 games and 12 free throws.
Treadwell says that she looks forward to scoring and having fun with her teammates. She also stated that her favorite part about playing basketball is making new bonds with her teammates, and the friendships that come with it. Treadwell has been playing basketball since third grade. However, around age eight, she began to take the sport more seriously.
Treadwell works hard every day to improve her skills, such as being more confident in her ability to play. She has become a very strong player on the basketball team as she is persistent and fearless. Her favorite position to play is center.
Additionally, coaches can have a major impact on the life of an athlete. Treadwell spoke about two of her favorite coaches, which have enabled her to become a better player. One coach, Jojo Feliciano, worked with Treadwell in the CYO and AAU leagues. She states that Feliciano made her a better player over the years.
Treadwell also referenced Andrea Enright, who is now the HHS Girls Basketball coach. She stated that Enright exemplifies what it really means to be a coach, always being supportive of her players.
After one week, the polls were sent out and new competition began. Kylie Blaha, a Sophomore at Holyoke High, won the second Athlete of the Week contest. Blaha is a hardworking basketball, field hockey, and softball player. She shines on the court as an aggressive defense player, and by making consistent three-point shots. Blaha started her career at just 5 years old, and still looks forward to playing every day.
Basketball is more than just a sport for Blaha. She loves looking forward to meeting new people, and improving at her game. Blaha is also excited to continue her basketball career through highschool and potentially college. Her favorite position is shooting guard or forward because of her desire to score.
Additionally, Blaha thanked the school for providing her the resources to succeed and her team who all support each other. The basketball team supports each other through mistakes, and working together to make plays. From the perspective of a Holyoke High basketball player, Blaha’s favorite memories are bus rides and being successful as a team.
The Herald’s Athlete of the Week will continue to nominate students each week. Athletes at Holyoke High will be acknowledged for their hard work. Sports are a large part of the Holyoke High community because they raise school spirit. Many students come together to support their fellow athletes during games and cheer them on.
You can find the Google Form to vote for the Athlete of the Week in the bio of the Holyoke High Herald Instagram page.