Major Winter Snowstorm in Western Massachusetts

March 2, 2023
On Tuesday, February 28, all western and central Massachusetts schools closed their doors due to snow storms. Many students were delighted with the good news they received the night before since they had a snow day right after the conclusion of February break.
On February 27, many local news agencies revealed that Massachusetts was under a snow warning. 22 News reported that central Massachusetts received 6-10” inches of snow. However, that number dropped to 4-8’ in Western Massachusetts.
News meteorologists believed the snowfall rate to be 1 inch per hour, according to 22 News. Massachusetts told people to stay off the roads due to the poor conditions. A recent news article by Masslive warned that “the roads can become hazardous…,” adding that “the snow and sleet can become a safety problem.” During any large storm, folks who drive a long commute should proceed with caution. Snowfall is expected to be slippery and not ideal for driving.
With how bad the weather forecast was looking, experts suggested preparing for the cold weather. They also encouraged those planning to travel to bring a flashlight, food and other necessities in case of an emergency.
The snowfall was heaviest around 9pm to 7am on Tuesday morning. However, accumulation gradually got lighter throughout the day, making for an easier commute. Still, the large amounts of snow led to a massive cleanup effort around the region.
After the storm exited our area, local news sources concluded that it led to more snow on the ground than the region has seen all season.
The Herald hopes everyone enjoyed their snow day and stayed safe and warm. Currently, Holyoke High School has had two snow days this year. Because of this, all grades (except Seniors) will need to make up the days at the end of the year.
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