Holyoke Police Officers Promoted

Four Holyoke police officers have been promoted due to their commitment to serving our community.

From left to right: Richard Conner, Matthew Moriarty, Chief James Neiswanger, Mayor Alex Morse, Joseph Garcia, and Patrick Leahy.

Yesterday, February 26th, 2015, Mayor Alex Morse officially promoted four police officers. Lt. Mathew Moriarty will be promoted to captain, Sgt. Joseph Garcia to provisional lieutenant, and Officers Richard Conner and Patrick Leahy to provisional sergeant. The ceremony was held last night at Wistariahurst Museum at 6 pm.

In a statement to MassLive on Wednesday, Mayor Morse reports that each of these men “sets themselves apart in various ways” and that they “[share] a commitment to community policing” that Mayor Morse and police chief James Neiswanger have worked to instill in the force.

The chief explained how proud he is of all his officers, not just the ones being promoted. When asked what he believes is the most important quality in an officer, he explained that it is determination. Holyoke is a tough city, and he believes that his officers do the best job possible to keep it safe. At one point during the ceremony he pointed out that police work is more than a job with benefits; it’s about helping people, and being part of the community. The Holyoke Police Department lives up to this sentiment, especially the four men who were promoted.

For those who do not know, captain is a very high and impressive rank. When asked what being promoted to that rank, Cpt. Mathew Moriarty says that he looks forward to new challenges. He explains that his favorite part of police work is that “it is very seldom that every day is the same.” He would also like to thank all of his friends and family. He says that “getting this promotion and this rank of captain [proves] their belief in me has paid off.” He also jokes that he is excited that he will no longer have to take tests and can “burn his study material.” His son, Jack, who is a student at Holyoke High School, is extremely proud of his father.

Congratulations to Cpt. Moriarty, Lt. Garcia, and Sgts. Connor and Leahy.