New Year, New Teachers
There are over twenty new faces to the HHS teaching staff this year. Get to know three of them: Mr. Tillinghast, Mrs. Pinkney, and Mr. Langlois.
As always, a new year brings new changes, and this school year brought a collection of new staff to Holyoke High. With over 20 new teachers in departments varying from ELL to Math, the students are excited to learn more about them and The Herald is here to help!

Mr. Tillinghast, Holyoke High’s newest chemistry teacher is ecstatic about joining the staff. This is “Mr. T’s” first teaching job after being a student teacher at Frontier Regional High School. He is the latest teacher of chemistry and physical science. When asked about his thoughts on the student body he said that he believes the students are much more personable and less entitled than other kids he has taught before and so far he really enjoys teaching them. Mr. T is pro-advisory, as he feels that it is a great opportunity for the students and school as a whole to better itself and the community. The schedule is a conflicted matter to Tillinghast. He likes the short blocks but also enjoyed having longer blocks where he was able to do a lab every day and felt he could dedicate more time to learning.

Mrs. Pinkney is joining Holyoke High’s ELL team. Though she has been a teacher in Holyoke for many years, it is her first year at Holyoke High. Originally coming from Dean Technical High School, she is excited for the new experiences at Holyoke High- especially advisory. She says she loves her advisory and that her upperclassmen have really stepped it up and helped the freshmen get used to the high school environment. Mrs. Pinkney also states that she has heard from some students they don’t enjoy only having two lunches and she too has some concerns with the schedule. She feels without the rotating schedule she has the same kids coming late every day. Overall, she has a positive outlook about this year at Holyoke High.

Mr. Langlois is the new video production teacher at Holyoke High. A recent graduate of Westfield State University, this is his first teaching job. Langlois graduated Holyoke High in 2011, so he is familiar with the high school. However, he admits he is unaccustomed to the changes that took place this year. He thinks advisory is a way to get to know students he wouldn’t have otherwise have time to meet. Mr. Langlois likes the student body saying it reminds him of the kids at Holyoke High when he was here. Conversely, he has mixed emotions about the changes to the schedule. He feels it will take some getting used to because he enjoyed having five different lunches every week.
The Herald only interviewed a few of the many new teachers but there are several more with varying, important opinions. Overall, the new teachers have greatly enjoyed being part of the HHS staff and are excited for the rest of the year. They are great new assets to the staff!
Please see below for the entire list of new staff:
Anna Rigali, Guidance
Yan Zheng, Math
Dori Gaulin, Math
Elizabeth Clark, Math
Stanley Cijka, Math
Agma Sweeney, Math
Andrea Twitty, Math
Molly Pickney, ELL
Zach Baru, Business Department
Manny Rivera, School Resource Officer
Paula Lubold, Clerk
Yammira Santos, Clerk
Mary Brazeau, English
Lori McKenna, English
Kerrita Mayfield, Science
Scott Tillinghast, Science
Hannah Kincaid, Science
Thidi Tshiguvho, Science
Adriane Field, Science
Leah Letorneau, Special Education
Rick Jewell, Physical Education
David Langlois, Video Production