Going to Gateway?
The facts behind the Gateway program at Holyoke Community College

Gateway is a national program at Holyoke Community College that is made for high school students that have either dropped out or are on the road to dropping out of school. With 35 programs in 20 states the average Gateway students have to complete 67% of classes with the minimum of a 2.0 GPA. This is a dual enrollment program allows you to attend college classes to attain both high school and college credits to go towards both diplomas. Most student who are part of the Gateway program are between the ages of 16 and 21 with a GPA lower than a 2.0.
To apply to gateway students must complete testing, essays and a personal interview. All are required to be able to read at an 8th grade level and must have the drive and dedication to be able to finish this program, with a GPA higher of 2.0. When asked Gateway applicant, Jake Wojnar about the program he says “Gateway so far has been a great experience and I am doing really well, but it is hard being away from all of my friends and in a totally different environment.”
The gateway program entails a lot of hard work, commitment and drive to successfully complete it and walk across the stage with your graduating class. The high school schedule and the gateway schedule are very different when in comparison. Gateway has more leeway when it comes to classes exactly like a college student whereas the high school schedule is more uniform. Though gateway is a great program the more it expands the more funding it takes away from the local high schools. It helps students that had a little set back, to go forth in all their goals.