To My Person in Heaven

Lindsey Martins writes a touching letter to her person in heaven.

To My Person in Heaven

Dear My Person in Heaven,  

I miss you so so much. Words just can’t describe how much I truly miss you.

It was so hard when you passed away. Knowing that I wouldn’t be able to see your number pop up when you called. Knowing that I wouldn’t be able to go over your house and see you sitting in your chair. Now there’s just an empty seat.

The holidays just passed. That was difficult. Not seeing you sitting at the table when I walked in. Or hearing your laugh in the kitchen helping everyone cook. Making just a little less food because there’s one less person. One very important, missed person.

There’s so many more milestones coming up in my life that unfortunately you will be missing. Just thinking about that breaks my heart. Birthdays, High School graduation, acceptance to college, getting my degree, marriage. The list goes on and on. Knowing you won’t be here physically makes my heart ache.

I catch myself wanting to drive to your house whenever something exciting or even silly happens to me. I got accepted into college and the first person I wanted to tell was you. I have to stop myself from picking up the phone, dialing your number and letting you know what has happened.

Although you physically aren’t here with me I know that you are here in spirit. I know that you are looking down at me with a smile from ear to ear and saying, “I love you! I am so proud of you!” I still know that you are my number one supporter.

I hope that you are up in Heaven doing all of your favorite things. I hope you are smiling and, laughing and just enjoying yourself. Mostly, I hope that you are enjoying yourself and you aren’t in pain.

I love and miss you.


From the bottom of my heart,

The one who misses you the most.