Moriarty’s Monsters Part 3: Spotted Hyena
Jack Moriarty spotlights an African legend- the Spotted Hyena.

Hello everyone and welcome back to Moriarty’s Monsters- where we explore the strange and deranged. This week we have an animal a lot of you have probably heard of, but never really realized how metal it is, the Spotted Hyena.
This hell hound is one tough and hardy bastard. Found all around Africa, they are very skilled hunters and eat basically anything that moves and anything that won’t eat them, from tiny insects to ferocious wildebeests.
Spotted Hyenas also do not tire easily. They will usually chase prey to death, so you could run to hell and back, and these things would still be on your heels, ready to rip the flesh from your bones. Their bite power is enough to crush bones into dust. They eat every part of the kill including bones, while the parts they can’t digest they spit up.
These things don’t give a crap. And get this- the Massai people of Kenya will literally leave their dead to be eaten by the hyenas. How brutal is that!
Hyenas are also very intelligent and bold. These mischievous beasts will raid livestock, food stores, crops and are even responsible for human deaths. These things are the definition of complete devil spawn. They just don’t care and will legitimately screw over every and any hope and dream you have. Spotteed Hyenas are heartless, man.