Moriarty’s Monsters Part 9: Honduran White Bat

This week on “Moriarty’s Monsters,” Jack showcases one of the cutest animals around, The Honduran White Bat.


Hey guys and welcome back to Moriarty’s Monsters where we explore the strange and deranged. This week we have the most adorable freakin marshmallow you have ever seen in your miserable life: holy hell it’s the Honduran White Bat!

These little puff balls are literally one of the cutest animals in the entire world and are found in obviously Honduras and other parts of South America. These things are so nice too, they don’t even drink blood, they just eat fruits. Like why are these things not common household pets?

Well, one reason is probably because they are critically endangered. Due to deforestation lots of these little guys are dying to death, and since they’re so small not a lot of people notice them and don’t give a singular crap.

Now, these little cherubs are about 3-5 cm in length and make their homes in big leaves and cut the veins so they fold over into almost a tent. They hold to the roof of this leaf tent and live together in groups of a dozen.

These beautiful puffs of nature’s white fur actually grants great camouflage. When in the leaf tents, sunlight shines through the leaves and casts a greenish color off the bats completely concealing them.  They’re freakin geniuses my dudes.

So for the closing, I’d just like to say please help to save these cotton balls of God because this is definitely one animal worth saving. They are 10x cuter than humans, that’s a fact.