Introducing Holyoke High’s Environmental Club

Holyoke High has introduced a new club led by teacher Mr. Anderson, focusing on the environment

Holyoke High has a new club available to any students interested in environmental science.

Mr. Anderson, the Environmental and Earth Science teacher, has stepped up as the club’s adviser. The club plans to lead independent projects to further explore the environment itself and issues surrounding it.

Justin Sanchez ’17, Will Hunter ’17, and Madison Chouinard ’18 will be the leaders of the club, organizing the meetings and making the final decisions on what tasks the club will take on.

The club hopes to gather twice a month on Wednesdays, with meetings lasting roughly an hour.

“We want to talk as a group, propose solutions to problems we see around us in the environment,” said Chouinard. “We also even want to organize volunteer opportunities and maybe a few field trips.”

If you’re interested in joining the club, feel free to stop in and absorb your fellow peer’s ideas one of these Wednesdays. They would love to see the group expand and be able to tackle bigger projects as it does so.