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Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Bridget Healy, Knightlife Manager

Bridget Healy is a senior at Holyoke High School, and this is her second year as a member of the Herald staff, and she’s happy to be holding the title of Knightlife manager. Bridget is the captain of the varsity field hockey team, she runs track and field, and she is the Class of 2019 Treasurer, and a member of the Annual staff. She hopes to pursue her field hockey career further in college, and she can’t wait to report on all that happens at Holyoke High.

All content by Bridget Healy
April Break Abroad

April Break Abroad

Bridget Healy, Knight Life Editor
May 13, 2019
The Tale of the Tartan

The Tale of the Tartan

Bridget Healy, Knight Life Editor
March 15, 2019
Photo Credit: Sean Sabourin

Holyoke Day At The Big E Spreads Purple Pride

Bridget Healy, Staff member ’19
September 21, 2017
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