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Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Staying Safe in a Winter Wonderland

Staying Safe in a Winter Wonderland

Melanie Kos, Staff Reporter ’16 February 25, 2014

With the recent record low temperatures seen around the country, heading outside is certainly a bone-chilling and potentially dangerous experience. At least 40 people in the United States have died from...

Snowboarding Safety

Snowboarding Safety

Ashley Bieg, Staff Reporter ’14 December 18, 2013

For many, as winter approaches, the thought of large amounts of snow is associated with the hassle of shoveling and the clean-up it involves. Yet, for some the thought of this snowfall is an exciting thing....

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