Melanie Kos, Editor-in-Chief '16
Melanie Kos is proud to be a three year member of the Herald staff, the last of which she will spend as the Herald’s editor-in-chief extraordinaire. Melanie is a member of the varsity field hockey, swim, and softball teams. She is also a part of the Upward Bound program at Holyoke High, and speaks Polish, coming from a bilingual home. When she is not bombarded by AP work, Melanie works at the Log Cabin and Delaney House on the weekends and select weekdays, serving guests only the finest cuisine. She also volunteers at a menagerie of locations, from the Wistariahurst Museum, to the spaghetti suppers at her parish, all the way to the Three County Fair. She is a big fan of oxford commas, her Polish heritage, and Gossip Girl. Melanie plans to make this year the Herald’s best ever, and is excited for all that awaits for her senior year.