Moriarty’s Monsters Part 7: Feather Starfish

This week, showcased on “Moriarty’s Monsters,” is the sea creature, the Feather Starfish.


Image Credit: Google Images

Hello everyone and welcome back to “Moriarty’s Monsters,” where we explore the strange and deranged!

This week we have one of the most beautiful and mesmerizing creatures on planet Earth, the Feather Starfish.

This thing literally swims as if it came straight from the heavens to show your ugly-self up. This little miracle swims in the Indian Ocean all the way up to Japan. They use those holy feathered tendrils to perch themselves on rocks, and suck in little microscopic organisms to feed on.

These things also have more than the usual five arms on regular starfish sometimes having twenty, other times having two hundred.

Aside from being able to dish out one nasty slap, their arms are actually their mouths in a way, since they lack a stomach. The tendrils grab food with a sticky mucus then they directly enter the intestine and circular system.

These things are so divine and immaculate, that they have no natural predators. Most of the time fish leave them alone, probably because even insentient bags of meat covered in scales realize how stunning and perfect these things are.

To understand what I mean, go online and search a Feather Starfish swimming. They are the angels of the sea.