Imagine Sunshine, Moonlight, & Dawn


In a world with clear skies and warm days
More happiness and freedom for all
Anxieties are forever gone, taken away by the wind
Ground, water, and our air free of all its poisons
Ipomoeas blooming throughout the cold nights
Night’s stars shining brighter than ever before
Everything is just so perfect in a dream

Sunny skies as far as the eye can see
Umbrellas are hidden away today
No rain clouds in sight
Sunny beaches and beautiful cold waters
Hamburgers and hot dogs on the grills
Icy cold drinks ready for everyone
No one hiding in a gloomy house
Everyone enjoying a day at the beach

Moonlight, shining through the darkened sky
One too many stars help it illuminate the sky
One too many wolves howl at the big moon
No other creature daring to disturb the lovely silence
Little animals scurry out to view their glory-filled moon
Ice cold grounds, ignored by them all
Glowing brightly, the moon gives them light
Howls quiet down as the wolves are left awestruck
The moon’s glow truly is breathtaking

Dew covering every plant, big and small
Amber skies light up the waking earth
Water completely still, completely silent
No sounds to disturb this beautiful, peaceful moment