The votes are in: Teacher Celebrity Award Winners announced!



Winners for Staff Superlatives
Category Male Female
Best Dressed Mr. Todd Ms. Fallon
Most School Spirit Mr. Mahoney Ms. Vazquez & Mrs. McKenna
Most Likely to go on a Vacation and Never Come Back Mr. Feinberg Madame Vega
Most Organized Mr. Roche Mrs. Maldonado
Best Classroom Mr. Frye Ms. Fallon
Most Likely to Never Retire Mr. Feinberg Ms. Brochu, Mrs. Brazeau, and Mrs. Bechard
Smarty Pants Mr. Frye Ms. Shwayder and Ms. Brochu
Most likely to Never Finish Grading Mr. Ukandu Mrs. Fitzell-Stevens
Most Athletic Mr. Cotto Mrs. Lafond
Best Friends Mr. and Mrs. Bechard
Funniest Mr. Bechard Mrs.Vega, Ms.Gonzalez, Ms. Vazquez, and Mrs. Lawler
Life of the Party Mr. Bechard Ms. Vazquez
Most Loved Mr. Bechard Ms. Fallon