Moriarty’s Monsters Part One: The Red Bearded Vulture

In Jack Moriarty’s newest series, he profiles some of the stranger animals on planet Earth. His first subject is the Red Bearded Vulture.


Welcome to Moriartys Monsters where we discuss planet Earths most strange creatures. This week’s monster is Tthe Red Bearded Vulture!

This terrifying avian beast is one freaky individual. First of all, they can grow up to 4 ft tall, with a wingspan of nine feet! They display an array of colored feathers from pure white to orange to deep red. They are born white as snow, but the older and more experienced they become there feathers become darker and darker from the blood of past victims and the soil they rub into their feathers.

These things also eat every part of the rotting corpse, from the skin to the bones. Also called Lammergeier, which means lamb vulture, they have a savage reputation of carrying away and devouring lambs, calves, and in some cases, children. If that’s not the most horrific thing you’ve ever heard then I’m not sure what is.

And remember how I said they eat bones? 80% of this bird’s diet consists of straight up bone and marrow. And the brighter and bloodier the bird is, the more respected it is.

Can you say bird from hell? But these merciless birds have a soft spot for their soul mates. Bearded Vultures are monogamous which means that they only keep one partner for their whole lives. But it has been known for a male to join in on a relationship. Since each couple only mates once a year and only lay three eggs a year, they don’t usually mind.

Thesebirds live in parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. So if you move to one of these continents be wary of walking your little lap dog, because if these things carry away children then what make you think they wont take Fluffy the Shitzu.