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Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Feroze Sibdhanny

Feroze Sibdhanny, Staff Reporter

Feroze Johnny Sibdhanny is a senior at Holyoke High and it is his third and final year as a Herald member. Feroze is an honor student that has been enrolled in the Holyoke school district for 14 years. He graduated from E.N. White School in 2014 and was class president during his 8th grade year. Feroze is an active helper and supporter in the city of Holyoke. He also has an older brother named Faizul Sibdhanny who helps send him down the right path. He first found out about the Herald in his freshman year, and since then he’s been tagging along, helping the Herald staff by taking pictures during the 1st annual Melva Awards and working behind the scenes as well. The Herald adviser Mr. Courchesne has had quite the impact on Feroze, influencing him to become quite the journalist. With the skills he learned, Feroze is a two time winner of  the Jon Dougherty award during the annual Melvas. Feroze is looking forward to this 2017-2018 school year and wishes the best to his peers!

All content by Feroze Sibdhanny
One City, One High School

One City, One High School

Feroze Sibdhanny, Staff Member ’18
January 11, 2018

What Grinds My Gears: School Edition

Feroze Sibdhanny, Staff Reporter 18
December 11, 2017
Mr. Brown begins his duties as Holyoke High principal. (photo credit: Bella Courchesne)

Spotlight On: Dana Brown

Feroze Sibdhanny, Staff Reporter ’18
September 26, 2017
Executive Director of Secondary Education Mickey Buhl presents the HPS redesign plan.

Redesign of Holyoke High School: Part One

Feroze Sibdhanny, Staff Reporter ’18
February 8, 2017
Spotlight On: Mr. Moro

Spotlight On: Mr. Moro

Feroze Sibdhanny, Staff Reporter ’18
April 8, 2016
Do You Uber?

Do You Uber?

Feroze Sibdhanny, Staff Reporter ’18
January 14, 2016
Nathan Butler, Bridget Healy, Meghan Breen, Eric Montagna, Lauren Ryan, Tessa Moriarty, and Liza Keane

Class of 2019 Student Elections Upcoming

Feroze Sibdhanny, Staff Reporter ’18
October 16, 2015
Back To School BBQ Kicks Off New Year

Back To School BBQ Kicks Off New Year

Feroze Sibdhanny, Staff Reporter ’18
September 17, 2015
2015 Melva Award Winners

2015 Melva Award Winners

Feroze Sibdhanny, Staff Reporter ’18
May 26, 2015
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