Go Set a Watchman: Much Anticipated Sequel to Beloved Classic

Sara Morin gives us the scoop on To Kill A Mockingbird’s sequel, Go Set a Watchman.

Rumored cover of the novel.

Everyone who’s been through ninth grade English has read and analyzed the novel To Kill A Mockingbird  (TKAM), the story of a father that teaches his elementary son and daughter equality and morals while living in a neighborhood filled with prejudice. But did you know that the novel which has been in existence for 55 years will now be followed by a sequel? Author Harper Lee issued a statement that she will be publishing Go Set a Watchman, a sequel to the much loved To Kill a Mockingbird.

Go Set a Watchman was her first attempt at the story of the Finch family and was written previously to TKAM. It takes place twenty years in the future (from the time of TKAM) as Atticus’s daughter, Scout, returns to Maycomb County from her home in New York to visit her dad. The editor who read this couldn’t help but fall in love with the flashbacks to when Scout and her brother were in grade school, curiously playing detective on their neighbor Boo Radley. In fact, the editor loved the flashbacks so much, she rejected Lee’s Go Set a Watchman and requested she write a novel solely based on what was happening in those time frames when they were young.

The sudden announcement has brought many speculations and much concern on the continuation of TKAM. The possibility that the sequel will not live up to the prize-winning novel is the main cause of worry for most. Lee prefers to stay out of the limelight on all the controversy over her decision, but instead wants her writing to speak for her.

To Kill a Mockingbird has sold over 30 million copies and Go Set a Watchman has similar expectations. The novel has already soared up to number one on the Amazon preorder list and will be ready for purchase on July 14, 2015.