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Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Telling Holyoke High's Story Since 1898

The Herald

Ingrid Vega Interview

Ingrid Vega Interview

Maura Dulude, Herald Staff November 21, 2022

Moving to a new country can be an intimidating experience, but not for Ingrid Vega. She was born in France and lived there for many years. She has experience traveling to many different countries and popular...

Yamaya Perez and Her Big 1K

Yamaya Perez and Her Big 1K

Taleishka Morales Babilonia, Herald Writer February 17, 2022

On February 11th, a Holyoke High School Senior named Yamaya Perez accomplished, as she would say, one of her biggest milestones. Perez hit her 1,000 point milestone when she took the free-throw line late...

Spotlight On: Taryn Ryan - Springfield College Welcomes Their Newest Women’s Soccer Commit

Spotlight On: Taryn Ryan – Springfield College Welcomes Their Newest Women’s Soccer Commit

Annalyse McBride, Sports Editor June 22, 2021

On Thursday, April 29th, 2021 Taryn Ryan signed her letter of intent to play Division ||| Women’s Soccer at Springfield College. Soccer has been a huge part of her life since she was four years old....

Spotlight On: Mrs. McKenna

Spotlight On: Mrs. McKenna

Brandon McKenna, Staff Reporter February 10, 2019
Throughout her busy days of going to meetings and observing teachers, she still manages to have a presence in the school. Mrs. McKenna always seems to be able to get across to the students and keep many good relationships with them.
Photograph by community partner Kevin Berrien

Spotlight On: Coach Joe Dutsar

Finn Lubold, Sports Editor January 29, 2019
For Holyoke Football Coach Joe Dutsar “purple pride" is not just a hashtag, it’s a way of life.
Spotlight On: Mr. Courchesne

Spotlight On: Mr. Courchesne

Dathan Badillo, Staff Reporter December 14, 2018
Mr. Courchesne is a very interesting person. Being a very open-minded, humorous, and compassionate 10th and 11th grade English teacher, Mr. Courchesne is a person you wouldn’t be disappointed in working with.

Spotlight On: The Business Club

Lauren Ryan, Finance Manager December 11, 2018
The Business club is the biggest club at Holyoke High, having about 50 members.
Spotlight On: Firefighter Maria Pelcher

Spotlight On: Firefighter Maria Pelcher

Kiana Gonzalez, Staff Reporter December 11, 2018
On Tuesday, November 20 2018 Holyoke High students had an event where people with different careers came in and spoke about what they do and how what they do benefits the community. This event was called the Reverse Job Shadow.
Spotlight On: Our Nutrition Technicians

Spotlight On: Our Nutrition Technicians

When it comes to the Holyoke High cafeteria, students may have mixed opinions. However, what we can’t deny is that the staff of our cafeteria, better known as the nutrition technicians, work hard all day long to provide us with breakfast and lunch.
Spotlight On: Mr. Feinberg

Spotlight On: Mr. Feinberg

Dante Angelini, Staff Reporter September 21, 2018
Holyoke High School has always been blessed to have the most dedicated and the most loved teachers, but there is one amazing teacher who has been well-known throughout his many years of teaching, and his name is Mr. Feinberg.
Mrs. Jill Reardon

Spotlight On: Jill Reardon

Miranda McKenna, Staff Reporter ’18 March 23, 2018
Miranda McKenna profiles HHS business teacher Mrs. Jill Reardon.
Mr. Brown begins his duties as Holyoke High principal. (photo credit: Bella Courchesne)

Spotlight On: Dana Brown

Feroze Sibdhanny, Staff Reporter ’18 September 26, 2017
Interim principal Mr. Dana Brown joins the staff with the goal to help students and staff have a great year.
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