Holyoke High Proving Resilient During COVID-19 Pandemic


Hannah Boucher-Hendricks, Social Media Editor

Holyoke High School may just be one of thousands of schools battling the COVID-19 Pandemic, but the response has been nothing short of remarkable with many people working behind the scenes to ensure students have access to learning, even when not physically at school.

Many may never be known to the general public.  From the staff Downtown at the Central Office, who have put together an impressive website streamlining all of the public schools’ at-home learning onto one site called HPSAtHome.com, to the teachers across the district who are working from home on short notice away from their classrooms but still planning, posting lessons, and communicating with students and parents.

To the building principals, like our own Dr. Mahoney, working late hours everyday around the clock, holding virtual meetings and communicating with families, students and staff.  And to the assistant principals, who have been working long hours, tirelessly planning, meeting with staff and communicating with students and parents as they help their principal hold the school together.

It’s been unprecedented times, but Holyoke High School has remained resilient in the hardest of circumstances, and I for one am proud to say, I am part of Holyoke High.